When I first started to think about writing a blog, I did so thinking I would write about grief. Having suddenly lost my beloved soulmate of 40 years in April 2018, I thought that that was all there was…just getting by, day by day, with the overwhelming grief that pervaded my entire being. And sometimes, frankly, that is what life seems to be…

WWTS (What Would Tom Say) 😉

Then I thought about Tom and what he would say. Yes, there isn’t a day that goes by where my grief isn’t present, where my questioning my life and my future isn’t a huge part of my existence. And yes, I am certainly going to write about the experience of grief and loss. But one thing (among the MANY things) that he taught me was that we may grow older…that is part of nature. But that doesn’t mean we have to grow OLD…that is a state of mind…it’s OPTIONAL. After all, he was a kid at heart for the entire 40 years we were together.

So I have decided that growing old is NOT something I plan to do, despite some hearing loss, despite the gray hair, the occasional aches and pains and…the grief. I will not let my age define who I am but, rather, I will be proud of it and will do everything I can, physically and mentally, to embrace it, use my past and, hopefully, let it all create a path for my future INCLUSIVE OF but also IN SPITE OF my grief.

He would tell me…”but wait, there’s more”😉.

So stay tuned…there’s more to come. Happy, sad, general, specific…known and unknown, wherever the mind may roam. After all, this is a personal blog. There has to be more. Because if there weren’t more, then the past means nothing…then the aches, pains, hearing loss and gray hairs take over and…well, you get the idea.

Here’s to you, Tom…hopefully you taught me well. 💖