Moving Forward Part I: When to Let Go

Moving Forward Part I: When to Let Go

This past week I went “home” to Sarasota. We had lived there for fifteen years before moving to Tennessee together to semi-retire. It was the first time I had really gone anywhere without my beloved Tom (other than moving out west) and I traveled with a...
Only dogs should tilt their heads at you

Only dogs should tilt their heads at you

For those of us who love dogs (and who among us doesn’t?), one of the most endearing things a dog can do is look at you with those soulful eyes and…tilt his or her head to one side. It might mean “I’m sorry”😥, or “What did you...
Growing Old is Optional? Huh???

Growing Old is Optional? Huh???

When I first started to think about writing a blog, I did so thinking I would write about grief. Having suddenly lost my beloved soulmate of 40 years in April 2018, I thought that that was all there was…just getting by, day by day, with the overwhelming grief...