Be a Witness

Be a Witness

I don’t mean being a witness in the evangelical, testimonial sense,or in the legal way…but rather in your life as a person. One of my favorite quotes of all time (and one of Tom’s too) was in the movie Shall we Dance with Susan Sarandon, Richard Gere...
Success Defined

Success Defined

As I have gotten older, and hopefully a bit wiser, I have continually revisited my attitudes about what success means. When I was much younger, and a New York corporate banker with an MBA, the idea of being successful was defined for me, not by me. I needed the title,...
My Take on Word Choices

My Take on Word Choices

It has taken me a long time to gather my thoughts on this topic, and, while I do not choose to focus on grief, and while I have moved on to the point where my grief no longer defines me but is, rather, just part of me (and will be forever), I wanted to put my thoughts...
Friendship – A New Perspective

Friendship – A New Perspective

You know, as the year draws to a close, I have begun to think more and more about the definition of friendship. Sadly, everyone is a “friend” according to the Facebook world. There are no acquaintances, no just “people I know”…everyone is...
Why I Won’t Live in a 55+ Community

Why I Won’t Live in a 55+ Community

Please realize that this blog is not meant to dis anyone who DOES live in a 55+ community…each of us has to do what is right for our own mindset, situation and comfort. And please also note that I do not, for one second, think I am under 55. Quite the opposite....